The First 21 Years

After 21 years of living in the twin cities, Minnesota Roger has left his friends, family, (and squirrel) and moved to the west coast. When he's not filmmaking, he may be found wandering the surrounding mountains looking for the meaning of life, eating various colors of mashed potatoes, or simply debating the existential quandaries of what it even means to be an artist.

Should I have been a lawyer? I have the name for it………

Roger with Sprocket the squirrel!


May 26th, 1992 baby Roger Lawrence Goff III is born in St Paul Minnesota, to the loving parents Roger Goff Jr and Linda Ruschmeier (mother not pictured here lolll).  

Erica, Roger, Roger, & Amy of the Goff family, the early days (October 1995) 

Christmas, 1992 (the small-baby-child's 1st Christmas)

Pinewood Elementary School Morning Announcements 

I first became A STAR in 2000 (rather, I mean a literal cardboard cutout of a star) in the bumbling stage performance "Jack the Rockstar..." Humble beginnings, ladies and gentlemen!

In later grades, I went on to join the morning announcements team at Pinewood Elementary.

Edgewood Middle School's "The Music Man" May, 2006

My performances continued into middle school when I was cast in "Once Upon a Mattress" (2004), "Bugsey Malone" (2005), and "The Music Man" (2006).

At Irondale High School I began participation in the Theatre immediately starting with the fall musical my freshman year till May my senior year. Key roles included Ito of "Auntie Mame," Banjo of "The Man Who Came to Dinner," and Mrs. Luce of "Little Shop of Horrors."

While studying at Irondale I wrote and directed 3 one-act shows. I graduated from Irondale High School in June of 2010 as a 3-time letter-winner in Theatre with awards including Outstanding Rookie, Best of Crew, and Most Valuable Actor.  

Woody the Tree just wants peace from the pesky birds in Lyric Arts of Anoka's Nick Tickle, Fairy Tale Detective, 2010

After high school I moved to Anoka, MN and attended Anoka-Ramsey College as a Theatre Major.  In addition to taking theatre curriculum I also acted as EJ Lofgren in "Harvey," a sailor in "HMS Pinafore," and as Steven in the one-act "Controlling Interest."  While a student of ARCC I was a member of 'Upstage' program, a committee designed to integrate the new and old participants in the theatrical arts and to inform the college and community of upcoming productions and to raise funds to support additional shows.

In addition to going to school and acting I was hired as the Assistant Theatre Director at Irondale Senior High from Fall 2010 till Spring 2012. 

Brigadoon -  St Matthew's Community Theatre 2011

I've acted at several other venues including the Lyric Art Center of Anoka, St Matthew Community Theatre in Columbia Heights, MN, & in the Minnesota Fringe Festival.

In 2011 I was in the Twin Cities Film Festival's official selection of "Boyz Night," a music video by Elliott Graber, and the following year in the TCFF official selection of "Problem Solving the Republic" now, currently known as "American Hero Squad."

March 2012, was the performance of my original one-act "The Meaning of Life" dir. by Nick Culliton. Also in March was the premiere of my short comedy film "Interesting!" at the Z Film Festival. March 2013 was the debut of my new short film "Beerly Loaded" which premiered at the Z Film Festival IV.

In Sept. 2013, I Assistant Directed for Michael Thomas Cox's short Horror-Suspense film "Machination."

 On January 15th, 2014 I left Minnesota and road trip out to the west coast...  

Since moving, the majority of my body of work is displayed on this website under Partner Projects, please support these artists by liking the videos, following their pages, and participating in relevant sites.

(Typed in third person to build interest and support a call-to-action)

Roger is currently furthering his filmmaking and acting pursuits in Los Angeles, California, and is available for hire by industry professionals just like you!